
Introduction and Assignment #1

December 14, 2018 Hello! I am Elsa Williams, wife, mother, soprano, music teacher, children's choir director, blogging plebeian.  I've considered dabbling in/with a blog for over a year, and now it's an assignment!  I am part of a group of teachers reading the book, "Mobile Learning Mindset" by Carl Hooker.  Our homework will be turned in and discussions will take place on our blogs and on flipgrid. Let me be clear:  I am not a technology newbie, but I know a little bit of a whole lot of things - and that makes me dangerous.  I can really screw things up BECAUSE I know what to do, but have forgotten a step - or have done it in the wrong order!  That does not keep me from trying, though. Chapter 1 summary: The education model as we know it has changed through the years - one-on-one/lecture style from the days of Socrates & Plato; "lecture" on paper reaching many thanks to the Gutenberg press; NOW information is mobile and accessible to all,
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